Legal support in a project on the reconstruction of a concession facility

23 June 2022

Legal support in the conclusion of a high-tech equipment supply contract within the framework of the implementation of an investment project on the reconstruction and modernization of an aerodrome

Legal support within the framework of the implementation of the investment project on the reconstruction and modernization of the aerodrome (the facility was declared to be a concession facility, the agreement with the investor was projected for 49 years. The total project value was RUB 41 billion).

Development of a draft contract for supply of high-tech air traffic control, radiotechnical communications and navigational equipment, including manufacturing, installation supervision, startup and commissioning, participation in flight tests, subsequent warranty and post-warranty maintenance, and advice to the company while negotiating the contract with the counterparty.

Analysis of the structure of contractual arrangements between the customer, the general contractor, the general designer, the concessionaire, the grantor, public authorities, and other entities involved in the creation, reconstruction and operation of a complex of buildings and (or) structures designed for aircraft take off, landing, taxiing and parking, including air traffic service facilities, navigation and landing aids, communications, designed for the flight management of aircraft in the territory of the aerodrome (concession agreement).

Drafting of a contract defining the basic terms of supply and contractor works, in view of the civil, urban planning, environmental, and administrative laws, participation in negotiations, and comprehensive advice to the client.
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