Foreign Trade / Customs Law and Currency Regulation

We support the export-import activities of a business, help to conclude foreign trade contracts assess and help minimize currency and sanctions risks, advise on customs clearance and indirect taxation, and defend in disputes.

  • Support on issues of customs legislation when concluding transactions
  • Support of import-export operations
  • Advice on customs legislation
  • Application of customs duty rates
  • Support in disputes of companies engaged in foreign economic activity
  • Legal advice on the customs and tax legislation of the countries where the company's foreign economic activity is carried out
  • Analysis of documents issued for the import / export of goods
  • Representation of clients' interests in customs authorities, currency control authorities and courts


Support in the reorganisation of companies in an international group
Analysis of consequences of possible restructuring within a group, including from the perspective of tax, competition, currency and corporate regulation.
Development of foreign exchange hedging guidelines
Development for an oil transportation company of guidelines for assessing risks associated with foreign exchange trading
Analysis of an international company’s business concept for modification of logistics in supplies
Evaluation of a business scheme for supply of goods from the perspective of the customs, currency and tax laws
Currency and tax analysis of a management consulting agreement
Analysis and evaluation of a draft service agreement with a French company, specifically, for currency effects and risks for the company
Assistance in a dispute with the Federal Customs Service
Representation of a major distributor of audio and visual and interactive equipment
Support in the conclusion of a cross-border service agreement
Development of a compensation scheme, assessment of currency and tax risks
Legal assessment of currency risks associated withpayment of liquidated damages
Analysis of export contracts, elaboration of wordings to exclude legal exposure
Support in international transactions on the purchase of raw materials and supply of goods
Legal evaluation and recommendations on minimization of tax consequences, customs VAT and customs duties
Analysis of the legal framework for the application of new provisional export customs duties on aluminium and their imposition on supplies of aluminium from Russia
Legal support in foreign economic activity in accordance with the new requirements and amendments in the Russian laws
Legal support in trading
Legal evaluation of a proposed coal supply scheme
Legal support in intercompany cross-border transactions
Legal support in the determination of the price of participatory interests in a foreign entity
Legal support to a Polish company during modification of the contractual structure for liquefied gas shipments
Analysis and evaluation of civil law consequences of the modification of the contractual shipment scheme


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